Hello! Welcome to my collection of virtual pets.
Virtual pets have a special place in my heart because I wasn't allowed pets growing up, and so young me turned to the various online virtual pet games that scattered the web.
This page is:
I love hearing about various virtual pet things! Always something I'm keen to chatter about.
My main virtual pet site after moving away from Neopets.
I've been here for a good long while! I enjoyed the forums, the dressup, and also the unique events they ran (Zombies for Valentines??? Sign me up!!)
This site will always have a fond place in my heart <3
Forum based? Hard to recall, but I remember having a very fun time there and checking it daily. You had pets which were globs, and that's about as much as I remember unfortunately T0T
It seems like the site has its SSL expired, and no content is being released.
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