The way that I have to work on things for soooo looong before I can get it to a satisfactory point :(
I want to do a whole buncha decorative things for the thoughts page, but blegh I'll just push this out and call it iteration one.
But I'd love to add more cute things to it. I just want to put it down for a bit and pick up something else before coming back to it I guess.
The thing that slows me down is the art stuff I want to do. I'd love some pixel art assets. Takes really long to do myself, so I've been looking at some asset packs on
Some cool ones I've found so far
I also need to make writing these thoughts much easier.... time for a cli tool...?
i love rotting in bed and wasting my entire weekend because of stress induced depressive episode
I would really love to be able to update my website on the phone via mobile or something.
I think a file based system would be great for that, but also, what kind of content am I wanting to update?
Mostly, I want to keep track of cool links I see and want to return to. Whether for reading later, or enshrining as a cool thing I want others to know about.
I just process concepts better on my laptop vs the phone. It feels like theres enough space to lay out my thoughts and absorb, verses trying to suck the knowledge and understanding into my brain through a keyhole
Found the Secret Garden by way of's link graveyard and I love it! I've been wanting to make a site similar to it for ages.
I definitely need to set aside time to properly go through it. I'm thinking of making 'case study' pages, because I do love writing down my thoughts so I don't forget them...
Also do people know Sean Mccoy? I don't, but he's in the board game space and has a blog I just found. A small rant about investigation in rpgs
Reading From the Superhighway
I've done a lot of work in open source software, and I'd say the ethos behind indie literary magazines and open source projects are far more similar than most would expect. Editing a literary magazine is like maintaining an open source project; submitting your writing to a literary magazine is like contributing code or documentation to an open source project.
- Joel Hans
Tried out Didn't like it.
I definitely prefer my pika page. The editing experience is just nicer, and I think it's more honest about the trial.
Blot is a folder driven CMS, and it looks really cool to me.
It's $5/month, I'm assuming USD, and it seems as simple as it promises.
I went poking about for what templates / themes they got going, and two that have caught my eye are:
Unfortunately no trial, but $5/month isn't steep for a taste...
The way that if anything supports markdown it instantly gets a +10 points from me.
Markdown is so great, I want to use it everywhere